NON-LIPOSUCTION FAT REDUCTION APPROACHES Frequently and aggressively marketed as “non-invasive” or “non-surgical” approaches to fat reduction, these methods are most commonly performed by non plastic surgeons (such as gynecologists, family physicians, general practitioners, retired emergency room doctors, etc) who likely took a short instructional course sponsored by the manufacturer of the machine. Many times these physicians are trying to simply increase cash flow to their practice by adding some type of “fat reduction treatment” to their services even though cosmetic procedures are totally unrelated to the actual field (specialty) they were formally trained in. These non-liposuction fat reduction methods usually lure in patients with a relatively low up front cost (for the first treatment) and claims of “non-invasiveness” and “safety”. Frequently there are also claims of “no down time” which is very appealing to the consumer. What potential clients frequently fail to underst...