INSERTION AND PLACEMENT OF THE IMPLANT After the incision is made, Dr. Hayduke carefully creates a pocket either: under the muscle (partial subpectoral placement) OR over the muscle (directly behind the breast tissue, also known as submammary/ subglandular placement) The method for inserting and specific positioning of your implants will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Hayduke and will depend upon the type of implant you choose, degree of enlargement desired, your unique body type, amount of existing breast tissue present and your own personal preference. The most common modern day positioning choice is “under the muscle” (partial subpectoral). For those particular patients who specifically request the transaxillary (underarm) approach – Dr. Hayduke uses his own endoscopic transaxillary equipment to meticulously create the pocket under magnified video screen endoscopic guidance. It is more common, however, for patients to request the inframam...